Conference Proceedings Submissions

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Conference Proceedings Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication by another journal.
  • The authors assume responsibility for the content of the texts they author.
  • All of the authors have made a relevant intellectual contribution to the work and agree with its submission.
  • Ethical conduct and integrity were adopted while carrying out the study and while writing of the text..
  • The authors have clearly disclosed in the manuscript any potential sources of conflict of interest, whether financial or otherwise, such as ownership of patents or shares, serving on boards of directors or advisory boards of companies, acting in consulting or advisory roles, or receiving honoraria from companies, among others.
  • The authors are aware of and agree with the editorial policy of the journal.
  • The text follows the style standards described in the Guidelines for Authors, including those for references.

Author Guidelines

We strongly recommend that authors create a checklist to ensure that the manuscript to be submitted to the journal strictly follows all of the guidelines laid out here and in the editable template available for download below. Manuscripts that do not comply with these instructions will be summarily rejected.

The journal's metrics, such as acceptance/rejection rates and average evaluation time, can be consulted on the home page.

After submitting a paper in the journal's electronic system, it is recommended that the author register a comment in the “Pre-evaluation discussion” tab, presenting the manuscript to the editor-in-chief of the journal. At this point, the author can suggest up to five potential reviewers to evaluate the paper (full names, institutions, and e-mails), as well as list non-preferred reviewers, with a brief justification. When suggesting potential reviewers, the author should avoid conflicts of interest, such as including names of advisors, frequent co-authors and research collaborators, etc. We emphasize that the editor responsible has the autonomy to accept or reject the suggested names.

In the manuscript file, the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) code for each author is mandatory. If you do not yet have such a code, please visit the ORCID site to register.

Manuscripts must be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish and must be of sufficient grammatical quality to be accepted. The use of a specialized language editing service, while desirable, is not a requirement for submission and does not imply or guarantee that the paper will be selected for peer review or accepted for publication.

All papers must contain a brief and informative abstract in Portuguese (Resumo) and English of up to 150 words, highlighting especially the main objective, the principal results, and the conclusion. Up to five keywords different from the words in the manuscript title should be provided. If the full text of the manuscript is in Spanish, it is also necessary to include an abstract (Resumen) and keywords (Palabras clave) in that language.

The main text of the manuscript itself should be presented in Garamond font, size 9, with single spacing between paragraphs. The title of the sections (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion) should be in bold, with the first letter of each word capitalized, Garamond font, size 11, with line spacing of 1.25 pts and paragraph spacing of 16 pts (before) and 12 pts (after). The name of the sections may be modified, as long as the text obeys the logical sequence of scientific writing. Papers which include the collection and processing of plant material, including algae and fungi, should necessarily inform, at the end of the Methods section or in the Results, the Material Examined deposited in an herbarium.

Scientific names of taxa at the genus or infrageneric level should be in italics, including when used in the references. Genus names should appear in full when first mentioned in the text, at the beginning of paragraphs, or whenever their abbreviation causes confusion. The first citation of an animal species must be followed by the author and the year of publication, separated by commas. For plants and fungi, taxon names down to the genus level should be accompanied by the authorship when cited in the text for the first time, according to the abbreviation used in the Authors of plant names catalog (Brummitt RK, Powell CE. Authors of plant names. 2.ed. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens; 2004.) or The International Plant Names Index.

In taxonomic notes and treatments, the correct names should be in bold type in the taxon heading. Synonyms, when indicated, should be grouped and arranged in ascending order of publication date; homotypic synonyms in the same paragraph, heterotypic synonyms in separate paragraphs. In plant and fungal protologues, journals should be abbreviated according to BPH Online, from the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, and books according to TL2 (Stafleu FA, Cowan RS. Taxonomic literature: a selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types. 2nd ed. Utrecht: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema; 1976-1988.) and later supplements, but always with the initials of the title names capitalized. These abbreviations can be found in Harvard University's Index of Botanical Publications.

The Material Examined should conform to the following example:

BRASIL, Bahia: Porto Seguro, BR-367, câmpus Sosígenes Costa da UFSB, 22/II/2019, J.A.S. Costa, V.C. Santos & J.G. Jardim 2965 (GCPP); BR-367, Km 23, near Agrovila, 1/IV/2019, C.B.N. Costa & J.A.S. Costa 3400 (GCPP, K, SP). Eunápolis, street to Boa Vida farm, Km 3, 14°25′ S; 39°01' W, V/2019, O. Silva et al. 234 (CEPEC, K); loc. cit.,  23/VI/2019, T.J. Antunes 12 (HUEFS).

Identification keys, if any, should follow the model:

  1. Character one, character two............................................2

    Character not one, character not two.............................3

  1. Character three...................................................................Paubrasilia sp.1

    Character not three...........................................................Paubrasilia sp. 2

  1. Character four....................................................................Paubrasilia sp. 3

    Character nor four............................................................Paubrasilia sp. 4

The editorial board may make grammatical corrections and formatting changes to the manuscript in order to adjust it to the journal's editorial and linguistic standards. However, the authors are responsible for the technical and textual quality of the manuscript. When the manuscript is written in English or Spanish, the journal may require a revision by a specialized service of the language in question at the authors' expense, in order to ensure the grammatical quality of the text.

The final proofs of the manuscripts are sent to the authors for verification. At this stage, only typographical and spelling errors can be corrected.

Acknowledgements, if any, should be objective and mention people first, then institutions and similar organizations.

After acknowledgments, authors must include the following items:


It is required to report any sources of funding for the research, including respective grant and aid process numbers, when applicable. If the study has been carried out without funding, include the following statement:

The authors declare that there are no sources of funding to report.

Authorship Contributions

When the manuscript has more than one author, it is required to report the contribution each author made to the study, according to the taxonomy of collaborator roles (CRediT). For this, insert the following list of contributions and report the initials of the name of the author responsible for each item, according to the model:

Conceptualization: JSN, GVM. Data curation: GVM. Formal Analysis: JSN, GVM. Funding acquisition: JSN, GVM. Investigation: JSN. Methodology: JSN, GVM. Project administration: JSN, GVM. Resources: GVM. Software: JSN. Supervision: JSN. Validation: GVM. Visualization: GVM. Writing – original draft: JSN. Writing – review & editing: JSN, GVM.

Conflict of interest

It is required to list any existing conflicts of interest. If there are no direct or indirect conflicts of interest to declare, include the following statement:

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest to report.

Data Availability

It is required to provide information about how the full research data can be accessed, by selecting one of the following statements:

(i) The complete set of data analyzed during the current study can be provided upon justified request to the corresponding author(s).

(ii) The complete set of data analyzed during the current study can be accessed at XXXX (please inform the location of the digital repository where the data are available).

(iii) The complete set of data analyzed during the current study are presented in the body of the manuscript.

Ethical compliance

If the study included humans, other animals, and/or access to genetic heritage and associated traditional knowledge, the authors must declare that they have followed all applicable ethical and legal recommendations, including obtaining prior informed consent from the participants, for example. The editorial board may require proof of the information stated in this sub-item. If the paper does not have any of these issues, please state:

Not applicable.

The References section should list all of the studies mentioned throughout the text in alphabetical order, on a separate page following the Declarations, including figures and tables. When there is more than one publication by the same author, chronological order should be adopted, giving priority to papers with a single author, followed by those with two authors, and so on. Journal names may be written out in full or abbreviated, provided that they are standardized throughout the reference list.

Citations within the text and in the reference list follow the Vancouver style, with author-date citations.

In the text, they should be cited as: Ruzin (1999) or Shivanna and Rangaswamy (1992).

If in parentheses, cite as: (Ruzin, 1999) or (Shivanna; Rangaswamy, 1992).

For references having more than two authors in the text, always mention the last name of the first author followed by the expression “et al.” (without italics): Silva et al. (2016) or (Silva et al., 2016).

When using direct quotations, palce a comma after the year and indicate the corresponding page number: “... small desiccators or sealed containers are suitable” (Shivanna; Rangaswamy, 1992, p.92).

Two or more studies cited together should follow the chronological order of publication: “Santos (1999), Aires and Freire (2015), Macedo (2021)” or (Santos, 1999; Aires; Freire, 2015; Macedo, 2021).

In the list of References, the most updated Vancouver style should be used. In cases of doubt, consult, for example: (accessed on 10 Feb 2021). For references with more than six authors, only the first three or six names may be cited, followed by et al., or all of them may be cited.

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) should be included whenever available, at the end of the reference. Special attention should be paid to the punctuation adopted by the journal style, according to the following examples:


Espírito-Santo FS, Santos APB, Rapini A. Three new species of Marsdenia (Apocynaceae) from Brazil. Acta Bot. Bras. 2018;32(2):247–253. doi:10.1590/0102-33062017abb0357

Ferreira FL, Dall’Antonia CB, Shiga EA, Alvim LJ, Pessoni RAB. Sugarcane bagasse as a source of carbon for enzyme production by filamentous fungi. Hoehnea 2018;45(1):134–142. doi:10.1590/2236-8906-40/2017

Xavier FAMS, Moraes JGL, Silva MLS et al. Comportamento de genótipos de feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp., Fabaceae) sob infestação de Empoasca sp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) e Liriomyza sp. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) em Redenção, Ceará, Brasil. Paubrasilia 2020;3(2):18–23. doi:10.33447/paubrasilia.v3i1.21


Juniper BE, Jeffree CE. Plant surfaces. London: Edward Arnold; 1983.

Stearn WT. Botanical latin. Portland, OR: Timber Press; 2004.


Mori SA.  Tips for tropical biologists. In: Mori SA, Berkov A, Gracie CA, Hecklau EF, editors. Tropical plant collecting. Florianópolis, SC: TECC; 2011. p. 77–130.

Schopf JM. Precambrian microfossils. In: Tschudy RH, Scott RA, editors. Aspects of palynology. New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience; 1969. p. 145–61.


Araújo MGP. Morfo-anatomia e desenvolvimento dos frutos e sementes de três espécies da subfamília Arecoideae (Arecaceae) [thesis]. Manaus, AM: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia; 2005.

Jesus MC. Origem botânica dos méis claros produzidos no estado do Piauí, Brasil: um estudo polínico [dissertation]. Feira de Santana, BA: Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana; 2014.


Flora do Brasil 2020 em construção [internet]. Rio de Janeiro: JBRJ [cited 17 Apr 2018]. Available from:

Brasil. Lei n.º 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981 – Dispõe sobre a Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente, seus fins e mecanismos de formulação e aplicação, e dá outras providências. [Internet]. Brasília [updated 2 Sep 1981 (cited 20 Jul 2019)]. Available from:

Tables, figures, and their respective legends should be inserted in the body of the manuscript. When necessary, mention the source (Source:) next to the legend. The system accepts files of up to 5 MB, which can be compressed.

All tables and figures should be mentioned in the text indirectly, in parentheses (Table 1, Figure 1), avoiding constructions such as "Table 1 shows..." or "... as seen in Figure 1". Do not use contractions or abbreviations such as tab., fig. etc.

To maintain visual quality, graphs, tables, and figures should also be sent via the system as a supplementary file, in a single compressed file (.zip), in their original format, up to a size of 5 MB. Name each file “Fig,” “Graf,” or “Tab” and the corresponding number (examples: Fig1.tiff, Graf1.xls). The extension formats accepted by the journal for figures are .TIFF, .JPG, and .PNG. If the program that creates the graphs and tables allows for the use of tabs, these may be used. Figures should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Figures: should be inserted in the manuscript in consecutive numerical order. Parts of figures should be indicated by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). If there is an appendix and it contains one or more figures, continue the consecutive numbering from the main text. Words within figures should be avoided. The use of symbols or abbreviations is recommended, which should be explained in the legend. No contour lines should be used in the image. If there are plates containing several figures, the identifying numbers for the figures should be placed at the lower left of each figure. Include scales in photomicrographs whenever possible, in the lower right corner. Avoid the use of footnotes in figures. Example of a figure in the text:

Graphics: should be inserted in the manuscript as Figures. They should always be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. Parts of graphs should be indicated by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). If there is an appendix and it contains one or more graphs, continue the consecutive numbering from the main text. It is suggested to use shades of gray (black and white) to construct graphics and to adopt lines of at least 0.1 mm (0.3 pts) in width. Avoid effects such as shading, colored backgrounds, outlined letters, etc., as well as the use of footnotes. Avoid internal letters and words, preferably making use of symbols, which should be explained in the legend.

Tables: cannot be added in the text as figures. Table legends should appear at the top of the table preceded by the word table and its respective order number. Avoid the use of footnotes. Abbreviations must be explained in the legend. Example of a table:


Principal section of the journal devoted to original and unpublished scientific articles.

Special section: Local Floras

Special thematic section aimed at bringing together qualified articles that contribute to the knowledge of the flora of Brazil, especially at the local level. Manuscripts describing floras and florulas of restricted and poorly studied areas, monographs, additions and records of new occurrences, and similar studies are welcome.

          [+] Submissions open until 31/08/2023          [+] Indexed          [+] Peer-reviewed


Section devoted exclusively to the publication of notes, including taxonomic notes, original and unpublished.

Literature review

Section devoted to critical review articles, especially systematic reviews, meta-analysis, state-of-the-art, scientometric studies and the like, original and unpublished.


Section dedicated to original and unpublished reports on research, teaching and extension experiences, as well as propositions for objects and other didactic resources or for scientific divulgation in botany.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed to this journal will be used exclusively for services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.